Live Q&A with Mia Ottosson Meeting Details!

You are awesome! Thank you for joining my newsletter! As part of my gratitude i am hosting a live free Q&A below are the details!

Hello everybody!

Thank you so so much for subscribing to my newsletter! I’m so happy that I can share my experience and knowledge with you.

I have over 30 years of experience by now and have probably made all the mistakes there is to do so hopefully I can help you avoid some of them…

I’m having this Zoom session where you can ask questions about everything that has to do with spiritualism and spiritual development.. I will continue to have different sessions from time to time that are just for my subscribers.

Remember there is no such thing as silly questions! You can even write down your questions and send it to me beforehand if you like and I will touch on that subject.

Hope to see you there!

Join our Live Q&A 11th March 6:00 PM (CET time) please use a time converter to find the right time zone for you

Join here

If the join link is not working here are our meeting details:

Session ID: 82638815514
Password: QnN4c2xsT21IK1lqUjJEZEMzSnZRdz09

Please do reply to this email for any help!

// Mia x